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50 Songs about all 50 States

I have always been inspired by two things. Music and Traveling, so I wanted to find a way to combine both of these things together into something that everyone can truly enjoy. This is the songs that I have picked a the best about each individual state.


Alabama: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Everyones prediction for this state has to be Sweet Home Alabama, a song that is the true embodyment of a road trip. It is all about the history of Alabama and how great the state i to the band members. This song is a timeless one that everyone knows and loves, it will forever remind me of the open road and obviously Alabama.


Alaska:Northern Starlight Song by Patrick Michael Karnahan

This is a slow and melancholy song that has some true beauty behind it. It talks about the beauty of the sky and the love that he has for this state. It is very slow and laid back to the point where if I just listen to it I can actually see that open drive through Alaska that I hear about often.


Arizona:Take It Easy by The Eagles

This songs was harder for me to pick, as it only mentions Arizona by name once, but personally I still saw it as a beautiful depiction of the state. It has a folky and fast beat sound to it and makes me think of those open desert roads and running from my responsibilities as we all tend to do.


Arkansas:Arkansas You Run Deep In Me by Wayland Holyfield

Another slow and beautiful song that talks about the beautiful territory and the great people that live in the state. Its an especially good choice because the singer actually mention that this is always his home and that this state is a place where your heart will never truly leave.


California:California Gurls by Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg

This was the hardest song to pick do to the large quantity of songs about California as a state. I picked this song because i couldnt give The Eagles two spots on the list, as that would be unfair, so I made the decision to pick Katy Perrys hit song abouit the beautiful and promiscuous girls or rather gurls.


Colorado:Telluride by Tim Mcgraw

A song about one of Colorados many Mountain towns. This song hits on the beauty of small towns, rich kids, and passion. Tim Mcgraw hits on somrthing that a lot of Colorado people have experienced and that is falling in love with a Mountain Town, and that love becoming so much that it overflows into others.


Connecticut:Connecticut's For F****** by Jesus H Christ and The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

A vulgar song but a hit with everyone that I know from the state. It talks about what there is to do in a very sarcastic way before going on to say that it is only good for one thing. Repopulation, I think this song is a riot and it hit the state right on the head.


Delaware:Delawhere? by Gary Allegretto

Another song about another small state and how underappreciated that it is, it talk abouit how no one knows where it is but everyone is welcome here. It talks about how trhe big states are all hype and the real fun is in Delaware.


Florida:Floridays by Jimmy Buffett

This classic by Jimmy Buffett is a great ong for Florida because it is slow and very beachy. It hits the vibe of Florida perfect. From old people to the beach I see myself on the beach without a worry in the workld thanks to this song. Ive never been much of a Buffett fan but thi song in this situation is perfect.


Georgia:Georgia On My Mind by Ray Charles

This is another simple pick being the most famous song about the state of Georgia. Ray Charles has the soul of 1000 normal men and he kill it in thi southern blues tune singing about his state of Georgia. A simple state that he just plain and simply doesnt want to foget and neither do I.


Hawaii:Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride by Lilo and Stitch

Yes I know an Elvis song seems to be the perfect fit for the Hawaiian song but look if you hear this song there is no other thing that you can think of except all those fun things that Lilo and Stitch did in that cute Disney movie. It gave us a great example of the iland love and the special sound of a Hawaiian song. Elvis may have worked but theres nothing more Hawaiian than a song about surfing!


Idaho:Idaho by Train

This early Train song has a rock/country sound to it that give it its very own character. Is about Idaho being a state of strong people that arent afraid of anything, and that people that arent from there dont really know anything about it. It also mention a women that sounds like quite the women to make him want to go to this state just for her.


Illinois:Kick, Push by Lupe Fiasco

This song never mentions Illinois by name but it is about a young kid in inner city Chicago just trying to find a place to skateboard and hangout with his friends, yet he can never find the place and has to just skate around just being himself. This speaks a lot to the people of the inner city that dont have the things that we have as middle class or uppewr class citizens.


Indiana:Small Town by John Mellencamp

Talking about the town of Seymor, Indiana Mellencamp tears it up with this great song about how there is nothing better than a small town. He even mentions that he loves big towns but the fact that everyone that he loves and is close to lives in a small town, and thats really all you need.


Iowa:Iowa by Slipknot

A scarier and differenet song than many of the others that are on the list it still captures the inner anguish of a man that was from Iowa and himself sees it as a dead end. I know its a little droll but in life everything isnt always happy go lucky, and Slipknot shows us that Iowa may be that state that sends you to madness.


Kansas:The Kansas City Song by Buck Owens

This song is about running from heartache and leaving the place that you have been your hole life. It talks about how you can go and have fun in Kansas City but youre going to need to be careful of the beautiful women and smooth talking women. Its a small town to big city tune that hits on the change of missing someone.


Kentucky:The Moonshiner - Irish Drinking Song

An upbeat and fast song that isnt always meant to be for the state of Kentucky, considering that it is actually an Irih drinking song; However it is a hilarious and fun fit. It mixes some fast tempo with some happy sound that makes you think of running moonshine in the times of the prohibition.


Louisiana:The House of the Rising Sun by The Animals

All about a house in New Orleans and how it is a rather destroyed building. It shows some fear with the eerie guitar riff while giving some lower asd lyrics about his fater being a less than admirable man as a gambler and a drunk that cant really be trusted. It gives us a feel for the people of that big city and the hardships faced within it, all while listen ing to a great tune.


Maine:Maine by John Linnell

The sate of Maine is not one that I have been to but from what I have seen is that it is a polace where you sit in peace to see gloamy weather and watch the sea. This song hits on that by showing that they just want the peace that Maine offers.


Maryland:Together in Maryland by Tony Cavallo

Maryland the state that most people only know for their sports teams and their flag. Together in Maryland is all about just being together in this state that they love so much. He says that this is all he need and to me it wouldnt seem like a whole lot to have but to each their own I guess.


Massachusetts:Massachusetts by The Bee Gees

Massachusetts a state with a very rich history gets an even better song. This classic song by a great band sends my mind to a time that I didnt even live in. That to me proves the beauty of this song, it helps the state by sending you on quite the trip to quite the state.


Michigan:All Summer Long by Kid Rock

Before I get attacked I know that this is basically just Sweet Home Alabama, but how perfect is this song as a boat song? I mean come on. It all about simpler times out on the lakes in Northern Michigan, and how Kid Rock just wanted to live in the momebt and enjoy his time as an adolesent.


Minnesota:Say Shhh by Atmosphere

One of my more favorite new age bands with a great sound. Atmosphere talks about wanting to make a song about where he is from but he struggle because he didnt know what to write about at first. He then goes on to talk about how great they are because of what they dont have. He loves the real people that act like they actually are. Minnesota a real state.


Mississippi:Mississippi Queen by Mountain

A popular song talks to its crazy guitar riff, it goes further by the singer talking about his Mississippi Queen who we can only guess wasa sexual partner that gave him quite the time and taught him everything that he knows. This song gives some groovy power to a state I know very little about.


Missouri:Missouri Waltz by Johnny Cash

A slow and old song hits to the state of Missouri. Talks about spending time in the state with his grandparents and doing just plain old family things which I can relate to since about half of my family lives there. So this song may have been picked for me but it doesnt stop it from being a great Missouri song.


Montana:Meet Me in Montana by Dan Seals and Marie Osmond

This song was recommended to the list by a friend that works for the radio (Dave Jensen). He told me that it was a classic and a song that is very well respected in the music community so I took his word listened to it and decided that it had the perfect Montana sound.


Nebraska:Omaha Nebraska by Bowling for Soup

Omaha one of the only cities in Nebraska that isnt 100% corn. Bowling for Soup talks about heading to one of their early shows in Nebraska, not a too crazy of town but they made an upbeat song to show how happy they were to finally take there music career to the next level! Applaude the possitivity and the hype they gave to Nebraska.


Nevada:Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley

Elvis being the influencial man that he is was bound to be on this list somewhere. So without further wait Viva Las Vegas a song about Nevadas most popular city and a place where anything goes! I understand that this type of thing doesnt account for the whole state but it was such a large part I gave it to them.


New Hampshire:Old Man of the Mountain by The Mills Brothers

One of the older songs on this list, with many different versions is all about a New Hampshire tall tale of a man that lives in the mountains of the state and is just some sort of wild man that just lives his own way in the wild. Which is what all the singers wish they could be. Care free and wild.


New Jersey:Livin on a Prayer by Bon Jovi

Livin' On the Prayer, a very well know song; However not many know that it is about a man and woman just trying to make it in the harsh areas of New Jersey. Bon Jovi being from New Jersey he made this song about the hard working people of the town that just need to take advantage of what they have and stay possitive.


New Mexico:Route 66 by John Mayer

This song needed to be found within this list somewhere since it is a road trip list, and where better to put it than in New Mexico due to the lack of songs about the state in general. Although this state only gets a small shout out you have to respect that it belongs here for the simple reason that we have all jammed to it during a road trip.


New York:New York State of Mind by Billy Joel

Rather than going the Frank Sinatra route I took an artist that to me is a better spokesman for the state and gave him a shoutout. This song is all about seein the famous people and the rich people in the city, and about how everyone wants to go somewhere tropical yet all Joel wants is to be back in his town of New York because that is forever where his head will be.


North Carolina:Carolina by Eric Church

This song about our first Carolina was a song all about someone that moved away and all day and all night thought about where he was from and that all he really wanted wa to go back to that very place. A perfect home sick song that can make all of us miss our home state.


North Dakota:North Dakota by Tigirlily

North Dakota, sometimes called the Dakota that doesnt have Mt. Rushmore, gets a rather unpopular song with these two southern sounding girls talk about being from the northern part of North Dakota. They both talk about how they are free and wild in this state and would never want to call anywhere else home.


Ohio:Cuyahoga by R.E.M.

A song all about the northern part of Ohio, even when most of the hype for the state is in the middle of the state(Columbus). This songs talks about what they would do all of the years that they lived in this county. It is a very good song to listen to when thinking about old times. I spent a year in Cuyahoga and this song really hits me for the area.


Oklahoma:Blown Away by Carrie Underwood

Heres the Country Queen making a song that talks all about human resilience and how even in the wind and bad weather ridden state has nothing on this womans strength. It talks about how she wishes that it could blow away the family and the past but theres not enough. A hard song when you break it down but oh o powerful.


Oregon:Portland, Oregon by Loretta Lynn & Jack White

A new age song for the land of oppurtunity. This song mixes some different sounds with great lyrics to make you look at the world in a whole different way and see its beauty. Oregon is a beautiful state and a misunderstood state. This song doent help me understand it any better but it makes me feel what they feel.


Pennsylvania:Pittsburgh Sound by Wiz Khalifa

A song about the western side of PA a place where a lot of people go through struggle but everyone that I have meant from the city and state have some great state pride. They love every single thing about it. This rap song shows exactly that, overcoming adversity yet still loving where youre from.


Rhode Island:Road to Rhode Island by Family Guy

Family Guy pretty much taught every single one of us where Rhode Island even was on the map. This song is after Brian and Stewie go all over the country looking for a lost teddy bear and not all goes well. Even after all of there struggle they head back to their state and talk about how excited they are to get home.


South Carolina:Carolina I Remember You by Charlie Daniels Band

This song begins with Mr. Daniels talking about the things that he remembers about the southern most Carolina. He talks about things from his family and his memories to its beauty and simplicity. It then goes into a sort of love song feel that is slow and melodic. This is a great missing home song just as many of the others.


South Dakota:Lipstick by Kip Moore

A song that mentions quite a few states just within the first few seconds; However it gave me a South Dakota vibe. He talks about all of the places that he goes throughout the country but all he wants is to be back with is girl so that he can kiss her. Another love song on the list but it helps us to all see that there are things that are harder to overcome than distance.


Tennesse:Rocky Top by Osbourne Brothers

A beautiful spot in Tennesse that they all wish that they were at. They talk about all the good times that they had there, all while hitting on top type of musical sound that makes everyone think of the state. It also is one of the states songs that was chosen by their general assembly so that made it an easy choice.


Texas:All My Exs Live in Texas by George Strait

If you have ever heard music you know at least the chorus to this song. A song that some of us can relate to, and if we cant we can at least belt the song as soon as it comes on, while faking some sort of accent. This will most likley be the state song of Texas but until then it can just be my pick for the state.


Utah:Salt Lake City by The Beach Boys

This song was written about the Beach Boys finding the city and loving everything about the city, from the cool people to the great music that they like. They say that they kids love to spend a lot of time outside and that they have the prettiest women. The biggest thing they hit on is that they city has great summer fun (Sun) and great winter fun (Skiing).


Vermont:Moonlight in Vermont by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

Two of the best Jazz musicians team up again to kill this slow Vermont tune. They both calmly sing about the beauty in evrything that they see, from telephone cables to snowy mountains. They then both describe it as a very romantic state that brings the best of lovers.


Virginia:Wholl Stop the Rain by CCR

This song is all about looking from someone to stop the rain or also known a the bad times of his life. He runs to Virginia to escape the rain, but he is never really able to find the person to straight up stop the rain, only someone to join him in the rain.


Washington:School by Nirvana

A grunge song for a state that a lot of people think is our capital. This is not about D.C. but the state itself. Its a song about being stuck in the institution of school with no break but it actually has a deeper meaning that is the constent repeating in our lives with noi change. This song stemmed from Cobains early Washington life.


West Virginia:Country Roads by John Denver

The last of the easy to pick songs is another song that is in every road trip playlist. John Denver a man who spent a long time in the beautiful state of Colorado compares West Virginia to Heaven and calls it the Mountain Momma. He talks about evrything there being better than anywhere else, and who can tell him hes wrong? He wrote a lovely song to show exactly how great the state is, showing us all that there must be something great out east.


Winconsin:Milwaukee, here I come by Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton

A upbeat song that talks about a girl coming to Milwaukee to get the love of her life. She wants to figure out who she really loves and that there is no way for her to stop loving the man that she loves. It makes me see a great road trip to get the love of your life.


Wyoming:Song of Wyoming by Chris Ledoux

A state that there isnt a lot to do in. It is pretty much the state that I think of when I think of country music, and I guess Mr. Ledoux would agree as he talks about the song of Wyoming being a simple thing that is brought to him by the nature and the simple times. He talks about trying to figure out the city, but he loves his praire state.


I do not own any of this music. I am using it with all credit given to the bands.

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